1. I don't know how I feel about people reading this and not knowing who is reading it.
2. You can't judge unless you know the waters. So world, I am testing the waters.
3. Blogging is an excellent way to let off some steam or to express yourself. I am avid believer that writing something down or telling someone what is on your mind is healthy.
4. I will fully admit that I am a stubborn person. I know what I want and do not want. Anything that people say hardly ever, if not never, influences me. However, when all my little friends started blogging I felt like I was missing out on something in their lives. I know that probably sounds ridiculous because it's only a blog but when we are scattered, a blog keeps me updated with their lives and vice versa.
I will also admit that little nudges had a tiny influence :)
5. This whole thing is kind of interesting and at the moment I can't seem to fall asleep.
Hopefully this all turns out on the positive side.
Blogging, bring. it. on.