Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lack of Game

These last couple weeks I have come to a harsh reality... I am a complete awkward mess when it comes to boys. Yep, I have ZERO GAME.

Cuddling is suddenly foreign.
Cuddling has never been foreign.

Should I hold his hand? What will he think . . .
He's holding my hand . . What is he thinking?!
(Yes, I am back in middle school when holding hands is a big deal. Kissing gets even more complicated. I will leave that for another day's blog.)

Here is a resent senario of my life -  I met this adorable guy and saw him on campus.

Him: "Shay!"
Me: "Hey!' I paused because of course it was his turn to add to the conversation . . . Right?? Wrong.

I suddenly became a nervous reck.
Like I had never talked to an attractive boy in my life.
I didn't know how to act.
I got ahead of myself and spoke to soon.

"How are you? What are you up to? Did ya just get out of class? Where you headed?"

EASY SHAYLA! I cut him off from asking how I was doing. To make it worse, I just asked him 50 billion questions at once.
I ran away from that conversation as quickly as I could.
Blew it.

Another scenario is the Shy Shay. I stay quite and just listen the whole time. I don't even notice I'm doing it until they say something. "You're being extremely quiet. What do you think?" Then I go bright red from embarrassment. At that moment I usually say something completely ridiculous because I was caught off-guard. 

There are Many More scenarios I could share but I would rather not embarrass myself further.

I can't seem to get this dating thing right. 

I need a dating 101 refresher course because I am struggling. Big time.