Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas is Coming

Before Thanksgiving break my roommate and I were in the Christmas spirit and decided to go buy a Christmas tree! And yes, we have been listening to Christmas music for a couple months now. Don't be haters.

Isn't it a beauty?!

This makes my day to walk through the door to be greeted with this sight. Absolutely beautiful. Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. No not love, 
the Christmas spirit! 

Due to the fact that I missed Thanksgiving and haven't blogged in forever (like usual) I want to say that I am thankful for family and friends. They are the greatest blessings. In addition, I am so grateful for my religion and beliefs. It brings joy and hope to me everyday. 

Things haven't gone as planned lately but that doesn't mean life can't be the best it can be. :) It's fandangtastic!

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